September 19, 2011

Mystery Artist Hides Sculptures in Scottish Libraries

How beautiful is this? A mystery artist has been leaving stunning sculptures in Edinburgh's libraries, with nary a hint of his/her identity. Some of the pieces have been tucked away in hidden nooks and crannies, others were discovered in the open; all were accompanied by notes of appreciation. The Scottish Poetry Library received a tree sculpture bearing the simple note, This is for your support of libraries, books, words and ideas. The Filmhouse Cinema was gifted with a model of a cinema, with a note that reads, For @filmhouse – a gift – In support of Libraries, Books, Words, Ideas ... & All things *magic*. Multiple sculptures included a nod to Ian Rankin, but library staff don't believe the mystery writer is personally responsible for the sculptures.

More images can be viewed here. If you know who is responsible for this lovely mystery, do drop me a line. 

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