June 14, 2011

Mark Your Territory: Downloadable Bookplates

I love free stuff. It perks me up, brightens my day, maybe even makes me feel a little bit smug, depending on the freebie. But when free stuff bumps into book stuff, resulting in free book stuff (!!!), then I immediately revert back to my eight-year-old self, complete with squeals, giggles, and dancing feet (Does it get any BETTER?!). And these adorable bookplates are an express ticket back to a time of school-uniform culottes and slouchy socks. 
Love 'em. So simple and clean, yet striking and fun. And - incredibly - 100% free. Becca at Lavender's Blue designed these bookplates for a schoolteacher friend, and she's generously made them available for anyone who pops by her blog. Heck yes. You can download the entire sheet of designs at her blog here. And make sure you say thank you!


  1. These are so adorable! Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. I saw these while looking up bookplates for a blog post but didn't spot, somehow, that they were for free - but I totally loved them. May come in handy for marking up my sister and mine's books before we lend them out to younger friends and relatives. Perfect excuse for reverting to my eight year old self too!
