May 11, 2011

Locks of Lit Love

When I spotted this post on literary locks on Flavorwire, I grabbed my husband and announced, "Isn't this disgusting? I am totally posting this on the blog." I know you all understand. And it made me wonder - why did lock snipping go out of fashion? And when? If anyone has the answer - beyond "ewww is why" - please enlighten me in the comments. Also, if you click through the entire gallery, steel yourself for the last photo+blurb. Heed my words.

My favorite:
It is not known if this lock is Shelley's or his cousin Harriet Grove's. What I love, though, is that it is wrapped around a black wax seal featuring a rebus of images that translates to "I expect a return."

1 comment:

  1. The pieces of Shelley's skull totally creeped me out. Especially reading about how his contemporaries were sort of fighting over them. Gross.
