May 20, 2011

Etsy Gems: Alice in Wonderland "Read Me" Tags

I spotted these lovely tags/bookmarks in a now-forgotten Tumblr and fell in love with their charm and whimsy. If - like me - you give books for virtually every occasion, these would make the perfect gift tags for brown-paper-wrapped bundles. They'd also make the prettiest bookmarks, if - unlike me - you prefer proper bookmarks, rather than random cards (or crumpled receipts...or hair ties...). Created and sold by Etsy temptress pinkcherrymama, these tags can be customized with your choice of ribbon or even character, if you don't want the Red Queen glaring at you between pages. There's a lot of good Alice-related browsing to be had in the rest of pinkcherrymama's shop, also - I want to bake something just to have something to stick these picks into, and I think these pillow boxes would make great favor-holders for a lit-inspired wedding.

To grab your own Alice tags, click here.

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