April 22, 2011

Friday Bookmarks

*Karl Lagerfeld, he of the impossibly cool uniform and improbably large library, is rumored to be creating a bookish fragrance. Allegedly called Paper Passion, it is said to be inspired by the smell of ink on paper. No word yet on when to expect this new perfume.

*Can someone who starred in Showgirls really be expected to give good advice?  

*Kindle: from library killer to knight in plastic armor? Amazon just announced it is launching a lending program in more than 11,000 libraries. 

*This is going to blow some people's minds. A novelization of Shada, the "lost" Doctor Who story written by Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy author Douglas Adams, is to be published next March. 

*In wistful news, the old mansion that was said to have been the inspiration for Daisy Buchanan's home in The Great Gatsby is no more.

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