March 10, 2011

Writerly Sheds and Huts

Apartment Therapy Re-Nest recently ran a great little piece on famous writers' writing sheds and huts. It is so neat to see the little retreats they tucked themselves away in to scratch out their work. Forget a room of one's own - I want a little "genius-is-burning!" hut of my own!

[Roald Dahl's writing shed, which he called The Gipsy House]

[George Bernard Shaw outside his writing shed]

[The interior of Dylan Thomas' writing shed]

Some commenters also recommended Neil Gaiman's gazebo, which is gorgeous:

and Christopher Morley's cabin, the Knothole:


  1. I WANT ONE!! Dylan Thomas's is my fave. Wish I could see the inside of Dahl's!

  2. But you can! If you go to the original article (, there's a shot of the interior, and of some of the other sheds. :)

  3. These are fabulous - I love Dylan Thomas's as well, and at first I thought Neil Gaiman's was a treehouse which would have made it even better (though looks pretty cool as is). I always imagined writers sitting at some desk in a little room, not out in artistic retreats like these.
