January 25, 2011

Bacon Meets Bacon: A Tale of Candy Alchemy

The last thing I needed to come across in my bloggy travels was candy, as I'm currently trying to ditch the last few pounds' worth of my holiday gluttony. But clearly, the universe prefers to see me suffer and therefore took great delight in sending this lit-themed peanut brittle my way. (Cue some vigorous fist shaking.)

Temptation aside, this Sir Francis Bacon brittle is a scream. It's bang on trend with its bacon flavor, and you can't go wrong with a bit of crunchy, chewy, gets-stuck-in-your-teeth-all-night peanut brittle (unless you're deathly allergic, that is). They've even got a chocolate bar studded with bacon-peanut brittle if you're feeling especially naughty.

As for what Bacon himself would think of this, I can't help but think he'd approve. After all, he did write, "There is no excellent beauty, that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." I think that sums up this peanut-bacon, Bacon-brittle combination perfectly.

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