December 13, 2010

Getting Personal with the LRB

The London Review of Books is Britain's most esteemed literary magazine. Published fortnightly, it features essays, reviews and the most outrageous personal ads ever set in type. The following is a selection from the latest issue. 

*Why Mahler? Is Ibsen edifying? I don't have answers, but I do have tickets! Seeking inquisitive, appreciative, adventuresome lover of words and music, 60ish man, to share the experience, ponder the questions

*Wants to meet new people. Likes include contemporary abstract art, Russian cinema, horror, Prokofiev, funk. M 34.

*Accomplice (F) sought for escape from SantaClawsUK and for the long term. M. 50’s wishing to have children.
box no: 23.01

*New Yorker (smart, beautiful, funny) who lives in New York and reads the LRB seeks man (smart, handsome, funny) who also lives in New York and reads the LRB to do all the usual things people do when falling in love in New York. Woman, 45.

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