December 06, 2010

Etsy Gems: Literary Lites

The box of matches in the bathroom is a staple in virtually every home - albeit one we don't really talk about. But Etsy seller dippylulu is looking to change that with her classed-up matchboxes. She's gone for the if-you-can't-beat-'em-join-'em approach and designed the boxes in the style of the iconic orange Penguin books, giving them tongue-in-cheek twists on classic titles. And while nothing can really save them from the shame of their purpose, at least the humor lightens the mood.

You can browse her shop here.


  1. These are hilarious! I dunno if Penguin will be crazy about them if they find them but I love them. The Outhouse at Pooh Corner is pretty funny.

  2. That's exactly what I thought - the design would probably incur a little bit of Penguin's wrath if they learned about it. But what a hilarious idea.

  3. Hi folks. Actually, because they are a parody there is no problem with copyright infringement. The folks at Penguin get just as much as a kick out of it as anyone else, maybe more so because it's such a tribute. I worked for Pearson since 1992 and they hold a nice pension for me too! Thanks for your comments!
