November 01, 2010

Etsy Gems: Paper Cut Quotations

I've had these paper cuts on my wish list for quite some time, and as they was finally spotted by the folks over at Apartment Therapy, it seems I've got company. mrYen, a British-based Etsy seller who ships out of Yorkshire (my apologies, U.S. readers - apparently, my Brit radar goes on high alert whenever I browse Etsy), makes these glorious paper cuts by hand. I love the quotes, I love the simplicity, I love that I already have a spot for them reserved on my wall... they're really quite charming. They are both priced at $45 (Alice quote here, raven here), with $3 for shipping within the UK, $5 to anywhere else. mrYen also does notebooks, greetings cards and other paper cuts, and they're all similarly lovely. They almost inspire me to grab a scalpel and try my own hand at it, but I'm pretty sure the only thing I'd end up cutting would be my finger.

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