October 14, 2010

Taschen Books on Gilt

Oh, Gilt. When will I be immune to your many temptations? Obviously not today, as you've decided to feature luxury cashmere, fine meats and Taschen books in your sales this morning. That's just unnecessarily cruel. I'm going on vacation this week, and I cannot afford a pre-holiday spree, I assure you. 

So please, folks, please steal away the Taschen titles before I can get my grasping hands on them. Among others, you can pick up Vintage T-Shirts, The Ingmar Bergman Archives, Design for Obama - Posters for Change: A Grassroots Anthology and Diego Rivera: The Complete Murals

The sale is on now and runs until this Sunday at 11 p.m. CST. Gilt members, you know the drill; non-members, you can sign up via my personal invite here.

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