October 11, 2010

Etsy Gems: Author Buttons

I wonder which of these is the hardest button to button? (Sorry, I couldn't resist a little White Stripes humor - the song's been solidly stuck in my head since I spotted these!)

These nerdily wonderful buttons are the work of Portland-based Etsy seller Letterary Press. At three for a dollar, they're perfectly priced for the crappy economic times in which we live. You can pick from any of the above, plus Emily Dickinson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry James, Herman Melville, Gertrude Stein and Virginia Woolf. 

Letterary Press also produces gorgeous greeting cards that you may have noticed in stores:

You can browse the rest of Letterary Press' Etsy shop here and check out their website here.


  1. Cool! I like. Off to check out the site!

  2. Yeah, I never was much of a button lover (too many warnings from my mother about not putting holes in my clothes, I think), but these are charming.
