September 24, 2010

Friday Bookmarks

[This edition of FB is brought to you by the free Wi-Fi at Borders - thanks, Borders!]

*Librarians and bookshops, listen up - a shelf shuffle is in order. According to the author herself, Danielle Steel novels do not fall under the umbrella of romance. "They're not really about romance ... I really write more about the human condition," she said. Right. So, looks like we should file her under D, then. As in deluded...denial...

*In other writers-who-are-not-what-they-seem news, it turns out John Milton may have had a porny streak. During her research, an Oxford lecturer came across a frankly filthy little rhyme attributed to the Paradise Lost author in a forgotten, early 18th century poetic anthology. Here's an excerpt: "Have you not in a Chimney seen / A Faggot which is moist and green / How coyly it receives the Heat / And at both ends do's weep and sweat? / So fares it with a tender Maid / When first upon her Back she's laid / But like dry Wood th' experienced Dame / Cracks and rejoices in the Flame." Experts dispute that the smutty verse is actually by the famed writer. 

*Less scandalously, director Alex Proyas has signed on to helm the film adaptation of Milton's masterpiece. His track record includes a mixed bag: Knowing, I Robot and The Crow. This should be interesting. 

*I hate to admit it, but I kind of got into the last season of Dancing with the Stars and I'm keeping an eye on this season. But even if you're not a fan, you'll probably find this fact interesting: out of 11 seasons and 126 stars, not one has been an author. (We're not counting celebs with book deals). 

*Shania Twain is hoping to impress you much...with her upcoming autobiography. It's coming this spring from Simon & Schuster's Atria imprint. 

*6 days, 36 authors, 1 novel. It's happening

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