September 17, 2010

Friday Bookmarks

*In news that just pushed the Freedom hype machine into overdrive, Oprah announced that Franzen's new novel is her latest book club pick. Guess that means they've buried the nearly 10-year-old hatchet.

*Talk about the epitome of "in the nick of time." An American couple facing foreclosure discovered a valuable comic in their attic while clearing out their things. It's a copy of Action Comics. No. 1, the first to feature Superman, and another copy of it recently sold for an eye-popping $1.5 million. Guess who's keeping their house?

*Add another book to the celeb tomes coming out this autumn. Obama is to be publish a children's book called Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to my Daughters. Looks like it'll get a warm reception - it's already hit Amazon's top 25 list, although it won't hit shelves until Nov. 16.

*Graphic novel fans will already know this, but to the rest of us it's somewhat surprising to learn that the genre has been around for decades. I only discovered this after reading that a graphic novel William Burroughs started 40 years ago will finally see make it to the mass-produced page. Except that back then, the term graphic novel didn't exist, so he called it a "Word/Image novel." It's set to be released next summer, with the publisher describing it as, "the kind of extrapolative, futuristic feat of imagination that a reader would expect from the author of Nova Express and The Ticket That Exploded — a mind-boggling tour de force, dramatising outrĂ© theories with a science fiction patina."

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