September 22, 2010

Bookcase Wednesday

I love the Bibliochaise on so many levels. First and foremost, IT'S A BOOKCASE AND IT'S A CHAIR. Aaaa-mazing. This is a far better idea than those booktubs, which are just plain awkward. Second, it's made by a design firm hailing from Glasgow, so of course it automatically deserves a piece of my heart. And third, the firm is divinely named: Timorous Beasties. If you're not acquainted with the Robert Burns poem from which the name is taken, you can listen to a lovely recitation of it here and read it here

At £4,270, Bibliochaise is admittedly a bit spendy, but let's be honest - it's a novelty item, and the person who springs for it likely intends to make it their latest conversation piece. And conversation pieces from an international design studio whose style is described as "William Morris on acid" don't come cheap.

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