January 26, 2010

Text, Call ... Catalogue? Organize Your Library Using iPhone

Apple fans, your smartphone just gained a few IQ points. Sarah Coffey over at Apartment Therapy has devised a way you can use your iPhone to scan and catalogue your library.  

*Download a bar code scanner app. Sarah recommends RedLaser. You can also go with Pricechekah, Save Benjis or Barcodie.  
*Scan the bar code on the back of the book. The iPhone will pull the book's ISBN information. 
*Rinse and repeat. Each book's information will be added to a product list on the phone. 
*Email yourself the finished list. The email will contain all your titles and an attachment with the ISBNs. 
*Copy and paste into a spreadsheet/word processing document of your choice.
Obviously, this won't take care of any older books that don't have bar codes or ISBNs, but it's a nifty way to take care of newer titles. So start scanning! And tell me how it goes - I'm a BlackBerry user. :)


  1. So cool! Works great. I downloaded RedLaser.

  2. Oh, that sounds amazing! Now I won't have to do it manually anymore!
