The London Review of Books is Britain's most esteemed literary magazine. Published fortnightly, it features essays, reviews and the most outrageous personal ads ever set in type. The following is a selection from the latest issue.
*I like to push artistic boundaries with all of my work. Except this. With this, I’m just want to get laid. Artistic man, 39. Would like to get laid.
*Write to me and if you don't find me to be a suitable mate I will send you free traffic updates on the hour, every hour for exactly one calendar year (for the Humberside region only). Traffic-broadcasting M, 34 (Humberside).
*Looking for a partner, I’m placing an ad in this column. Things are significantly worse than I originally thought. Though clearly not as bad as they are for you, F to 40, who is reading this and thinking of replying. M, 34.
*I don’t know about you, but 2009 was a very quiet year in terms of monumental bedroom events. Although it was a great year for both my medical team and my thyroid. Join me, F, 57, and celebrate a 2010 of regular, goiter-free sex.
*I bet my friend £18 I could find a woman here and have sex with her. If you reply and have sex with me, I’ll cut you in at 37%. English Professor, 63.
*You can learn all about the advertiser above’s success in finding a lover on his Twitter updates. You can learn all about mine over breakfast. M, 47.
Yeah, there's a book of them out next week:
I saw that! One came out back in 2006, too. I think I might just have to have a read through them.